Index 265
One-Number Functions, 24
One-Number Functions and the Stack, 47
Operating Keys, 15-16
Operating Temperature, 239
Operations, Chain, 26, 49
Optional Accessories, 237-238
Order of Execution, 52
Overflow, Data Storage Registers, 75
Overflow of Statistical Registers, 100
PACK Function, 141
Paper Advance, 105
Pausing, 147
Percent of Change, 84
Percentages, 83
Pi, 82
Plug-In Extensions, 240
Polar/Rectangular Coordinate Conversions, 92-95
Positioning with CATALOG , 140-141
Power Low, 240
Power OFF Function, 106
Power ON Key, 15, 106
Power, Raising Numbers to, 97-99
Preparing the Calculator for a Program, 112
PRGM Display Annunciator, 37
PRGM Key, 16
Primary Storage Registers, 68
Printer, Description, 258
Printer Enable Flag, 216-217
Problems, 8, 123, 141-142, 148-149, 156, 162-163, 168-169,
173-174, 192-194, 204-206, 215, 233-235
Program Branch, Conditional, 159, 170-174
Program Branch, Unconditional, 159
Program Data Labels, ALPHA, 152-154
Program Editing, 125, 131
Program Execution, Local Labels, 188-192
Program Execution, Modified, 135-136
Program Initialization, 127
Program Interruptions, 145-148
Program Label Usage, 111
Program Labels, Local, 188-192
Program Lines, Deleting, 136-137
Program Loading, 112
Program Loop Control Number, 163-164
Program Looping, 159-174
Program Memory Allocation, 117
Program Modification, 131
Program Prompts, 151-152
Program Running, 114, 128
Program Status, Using ALPHA Strings, 154
Programming, Advanced, 259
Programming and Applications Submittals, 245
Programming, Introduction, 109
Programming With ALPHA Strings, 151-156
Programs, Assigning to a Key, 114-115
Programs, Clearing, 119-125
Prompting, 151-152
Prompting for ALPHA Input, 154
Radians/Degrees Conversions, 87-88
Radians Mode Flag, 211-232
Radians Trigonometric Mode, 85-86
Radix Flag (Decimal Point), 230-231
Raising Numbers to Powers, 97-99
RAM , 256
Range error Ignor Flag, 222-224
Reassigned Function Usage, 63
Recalling ALPHA Strings, 70
Recalling ALPHA Strings from the Stack, 71-72
Recalling ALPHA Strings, Indirectly, 200
Recalling Numbers, 68
Recalling Numbers, Indirectly, 198-200
Recalling Numbers in the Stack, 69
Recharging Batteries, 240
Reciprocals, 80
Recovery from Mistakes Using LASTX , 52
Recovering a Number Using LASTX , 53
Rectangular/Polar Coordinate Conversions, 92-95
Register, ALPHA, 40
Register Clearing, ALPHA and X-Register, 41
Register Configurations, Defining, 73
Register Overflow (Data), 75
Register Overflow, Statistical, 100
Register, Arithmetic Using, 74
Specifying Stack Registers, 74-75
Registers (Data), Clearing, 73
Registers, Indirect Store and Recall, 198-200
Registers, Primary Storage, 68
Registers, Statistical, Clearing, 99-100
Registers, Statistical, Defining, 99
Registers, Statistical, Deleting and Correcting Data, 103-104
Registers, Using VIEW , 72
Remainder (Modulo Function), 79
Repair Service and Policy, 243-244
Resetting to the Beginning of a Program, 128-129
Restrictions to Assigning Functions to Keys, 62
Returning to Normal Mode Function, 63
Roll Down, Stack, 44
Roll Up, Stack, 44
ROM , 256
Roots, Square, 81
Rounding a Number, 78
RTN and END in Programs, 177
Run/Stop, 145-148
Running a Modified Program, 135-136
Running a Program, 114-128
R/S Use in Catalog Listing, 61
Scientific Notation Display, 33
Scrolling, 35
Searching for Labels, 178-183
Searching for Labels, Advanced, 259
Service, 242-245
Separator Mark, 230