Natural log
Keyboard and display: LN
Takes the log of the value in the X-register to base e (2.718...).
Natural antilog
Keyboard execution: ex
Display execution: E X
Raises e (2.718...) to the power of the value in the X-register. Press
1 g
ex to display value of e.
Common log
Keyboard and display: LOG
Computes the log of the value in the X-register to base 10.
Common antilog
Keyboard execution: 10x
Display execution: 10 X
Raises 10 to the power of the value in the X-register.
Natural log
(for arguments close
to one)
Display execution: LN1+X
Computes ln (1 + X), where X is a number very close to zero.
LN1+X provides greater precision than
LN when you are finding that the natural log
of numbers close to one. Example: To find the natural log of
(1 + 4.25 × 10–6, key in 4.25 ×
10–6 and execute LN1+X .
Answers are displayed in SCI format.
Natural antilog
(for arguments close
to zero)
Display execution: E X–1
Computes (ex) – 1, where X is a number very close to zero.
E X–1 provides greater precision than
ex for numbers very close to zero.
Example: To calculate
(e4:25 × 10–6) – 1, key in
4.25 × 10–6 and execute
E X–1 .
Answers are displayed in SCI format.