Section 7: Simple Programming 114
Running a Program
To run a program you can either execute it using the
XEQ key, or you can assign it to a key and execute
it by pressing that key in USER mode. Let’s try it both ways. You will
find the USER mode operations saves you time and keystrokes.
When you run a program, the HP-41C has two program execution annunciators
that appear in the display. As program execution progresses, a
appears in the display.
Each time the program executes a program label, the
moves across the display one
position to the right. When the
is in the last position on the right of the display, the
resets back to the left of
the display.
As an additional aid, the HP-41C also turns on the
PRGM annunciator in the display while
a program is executing. When the program has completed execution, the
PRGM annunciator turns off.
After a program executes an AVIEW or
VIEW , the
will not appear, but the
PRGM annunciator will be
These aids provide an indication to you that the calculator is executing a program.
You never have any doubt during the execution of a long program; you can easily
determine that the calculator is operating.
Take the HP-41C out of PRGM mode
now by pressing PRGM . Notice that the
PRGM display annunciator turns off.
Next, use CIRCLE program you created to find the area of two circles with
radii of 14 inches and 0.55 meters:
Now, assign CIRCLE to the LN key location and
find the area of two more circles with radii of 10.7 inches and 0.439 meters.