Index 266
Setting a Flag, 209-212
SHIFT Display Annunciator, 37
Shifting the ALPHA Display, 154-156
Shipping Instructions, 243
Sign of Number, Changing, 21, 77-78
Sign of X (Unary), 85
Sine, 86-87
Sine, Arc, 86-87
Single-Line Execution of Subroutines, 188
Single-Line Execution, Program, 129-131
Single-Line Viewing Without Execution, 132-134
SIZE Function, 73
Special Purpose Flags, 216
Square Roots, 81
Squaring, 82
Stack, ALPHA Strings and, 71
Stack, Automatic Memory, 39
Stack, Clearing, 47
Stack Lift Conditions, 247
Stack Operation, Chain Calculations, 49
Stack Operation, Indirect, 201
Stack Operation, One-Number Functions, 47
Stack Operation, Two-Number Functions, 48
Stack, Recalling Numbers from, 69
Stack, Reviewing, 44
Stack, Storage Register Arithmetic, 74-75
Stack, Storing Numbers into, 69
Standard Accessories, 237-238
Standard Deviation, 101-104
Standard Function Catalog, 60, 77
Statistical Data, Deleting and Correcting, 103-104
Statistical Functions, 99-104
Σ+ , 99-104
ΣREG , 99
CLΣ , 99-100
MEAN , 101-104
SDEV , 101-104
Σ– , 103-104
Statistical Registers, 99-100
Statistical Registers Overflow, 100
Status of Programs, Using ALPHA Stings, 154, 145-148
Stopping the Catalog Listing, 61
Storage Register Arithmetic, 74
Storage Register Configurations, Defining, 73
Storage Registers (Data), Clearing, 73
Storage Register Overflow, 75
Storage Registers, Primary, 68
Storage Requirements, Program Memory, 249-253
Storage Temperature, 239
Storing ALPHA Strings, 70
Storing ALPHA Strings, Indirectly, 200
Storing ALPHA Stings into the Stack, 71
Storing Numbers, 68
Storing Numbers, Indirectly, 198-200
Storing Numbers into the Stack, 69
Strings, ALPHA, 70-71
Strings, Programming with ALPHA, 151-156
Strings, Storing and Recalling ALPHA, 70
SST , Use for Subroutine Execution 188
SST , Use in Catalog Listing, 61
SST , Use to View and Execute Programs, 129-131, 132-134
Submittals, Programming, 245
Subroutine and Branch, Difference Between, 177
Subroutines, 177-194
Subroutines, Indirect Control of, 203-204
Subroutines Inside Main Programs, 178-179
Subroutines Outside Main Programs, 178-179
Switching, Automatic Display, 35
System Configuration, Introduction, 11
System Extensions, 257-258
System Flags, 211, 231-232
System Philosophy, 7
Tangent, 86-87
Tangent, Arc, 86-87
Temperature Specifications, 239
Termination of Keyboard Entry, 247
Test, Conditional, 170-174
Testing Flags, 209-213
Time and Angles, Adding and Subtracting, 90-92
Toll-Free Number, Warranty, 245
Tone Enable Flag (Audio Enable), 227-230
Tone of Beeper, 104
Trigonometric Functions, 85-95
Trigonometric Modes, 85-86
Two-Number Functions, 25, 48
Types of Subroutines, 178-183
Unary of X (Sign), 85
Unconditional Program Branch, 159
USER Catalog, 60
USER Display Annunciator, 36
User Flags, 210, 216-231
USER Key, 15
USER Mode Flag, 230
USER Mode Functions, 61
Using HP-41C Functions, 57
Viewing Programs Without Execution, 132-134
Warranty Toll-Free Number, 245