Section 6: Functions 86
To see the RAD and GRAD annunciators in the display...
Note: 360 degrees = 2π radians = 400 grads
Trigonometric Functions
There are 6 trigonometric functions provided by the HP-41C. Both the keyboard
form and the display execution form of the function are given: keyboard form first.
SIN (sine)
SIN–1 or
ASIN (arc sine)
COS (cosine)
COS–1 or
ACOS (arc cosine)
TAN (tangent)
TAN–1 or
ATAN (arc tangent)
Each of these trigonometric functions assume that angles are entered in decimal
degrees, radians, of grads, depending upon the trigonometric mode selected.
All trigonometric functions are one-number functions, so to use them, you
key in the number, then execute the function. For example, find the
cosine of 35 degrees.