Section 4: Using HP-41C Functions 60
CATALOG Function
You can list the contents of any of the HP-41C catalogs by pressing
CATALOG. The calculator then prompts you for one
of the following catalog numbers:
When you execute the CATALOG function and specify a
catalog number, it begins at the top of the specified catalog and lists the
name for each function in the catalog.
Entries in the catalogs are organized as follows:
To execute the CATALOG function, press
CATALOG. The HP-41C will prompt you for the catalog
number with CAT _. For
example, list the entire standard function catalog.
Y 2
Y 2
User Catalog
As explained above, the user catalog ( CATALOG 1)
contains all of the programs that you have stored into program memory.
CATALOG 1 also has another special capability that
helps you locate programs in program memory. As the listing of
CATALOG 1 progresses, the calculator is
positioned to the location in program memory of the presently displayed
program name. Don’t be concerned with this feature now, it is covered
in detail in
part II of this handbook.