Section 4: Using HP-41C Functions 61
Stopping the Catalog Function
You need not always list a catalog to the end. You can stop the listing
at any point by pressing R/S (run/stop).
You can then use BST (back step) or
SST (single step) to locate the desired
function. Or you can even press R/S again to
continue the listing.
If you wish to completely terminate the listing, press
R/S and then
Once the CATALOG listing is halted (by
R/S ), pressing any other function
terminates the catalog listing and the pressed function is executed.
USER Mode Functions
You may remember from the brief descriptions in
sections 1 and
that USER mode allows you to customize your HP-41C. USER mode lets
you place functions on the keyboard where you want them.
The way this is accomplished is through the use of the
ASN (assign) function. Using
ASN , you specify a function name and a
keyboard location for that function name. Once a function is
assigned to a keyboard location, all you do to execute it is
to place the HP-41C into USER mode and press the reassigned key.