Section 1: Getting Started 21
As you key in a number, notice how the HP-41C prompts you for each number
with an _ (underscore).
To key in number 30.6593:
Numbers that you key in ALPHA mode are only ALPHA characters and cannot be
used in number operations. For example,
produces the ALPHA character 4. You cannot perform arithmetic operations
on ALPHA numbers.
Numbers entered in ALPHA mode are ALPHA characters and cannot be
used in number functions (i.e.,
+ ,
LOG ).
Negative Numbers
To key in a negative number, press the keys for the number, then press
CHS (change sign). The number, preceded by
a minus (–) sign, will appear in the display. For example, to change
the sign of the number now in the display:
You can change the sign of either a negative of a positive nonzero number
in the display. For example, to change the sign of the negative number now
in the display back to positive:
Exponents of Ten
You can key in numbers with powers of 10 by pressing
EEX (enter exponent of 10) followed by
number keys to specify the exponent of 10. (Negative exponents are covered
later.) Again, notice how the HP-41C prompts you for the number and the
exponent. For example, to key in Avogadro's number
(6.0222 × 1026):