Section 1: Getting Started 20
Shifted functions in ALPHA mode are shown in the illustration on
page 19).
Try it now:
H _
HP _
HP– _
HP–4 _
HP–41 _
You can recall the ALPHA characters you have keyed into the display by
pressing g
VIEW in ALPHA mode. This is actually the
AVIEW (ALPHA view) function.
Viewing ALPHA strings is covered in section 3.
Regardless of the mode the calculator is in, the
g key is always the
shift function. There are two other keys on the HP-41C that always remain
the same, both the function on the face of the key and the shifted function.
(An exception to this is when these keys are reassigned in USER mode. This
is covered in detail in section 4.) These two keys are:
Keying in Numbers
Key in numbers by pressing the number keys in sequence, just as though you were
writing on a piece of paper. The decimal point must be keyed in if it is part
of the number (unless it is to be right of the last digit). If you want your display
to be the same as those shown here, press
FIX 4.