Section 1: Getting Started 29
Next, you multiply the intermediate answers together for the final answer.
Notice that you didn’t have to write down or remember the intermediate
answers before you multiplied. The HP-41C automatically stacked up the
intermediate results for you and brought them out on a last-in, first-out
basis when it was time to multiply.
No matter how complicated a problem may look, it can always be reduced
to a series of one- and two-number operations.
Now try these problems. Remember to work through them as you would with
pencil and paper, but don’t worry about intermediate answers—they
are handled automatically by the HP-41C.
Before You Continue...
Now that you’ve learned how to use the basic features of the calculator, you
can begin to fully appreciate the benefits of the Hewlett-Packard logic system.
With this system, you enter number using the parenthesis-free, unambiguous method
called RPN.
It is the RPN system that gives you all of these advantages while you are
using the HP-41C: