Section 8: Program Editing 131
You have seen how
SST can be used in normal or USER mode to
execute a program one line at a time. Using
SST in this manner can help you create
programs and locate errors in them. Now let’s see how
you can use
SST , BST , and
nnn in PRGM mode to help you modify a program.
Modifying a Program
Since you have just completed the execution of the AREA program, the
calculator is set back to the beginning of the program. You can verify
this by placing the calculator into PRGM mode (press
PRGM ). Press SST
once to see the program label.
Now let’s modify the AREA program so that the X-register contents
will automatically be displayed at certain points in the program. We will
accomplish this by placing PSE (pause)
instructions in the program to halt the program and display the contents of
the X-register for about one second, then resume execution. (More about
PSE later.)
To begin modifying your program, reset the calculator to line 0 of