Control, 50–56
debugging, 76
definition of concept, 4–5
editing, 57–60
entry from cards, 12
entry from keyboard, 15, 48
looking at a, 48–50
memory, 51
mode, display, 58–59
pointer, 51, 60
protection, 16
recording a, 16
stops, 77
writing a, 48
Programming a user defined function, 14–16
R (roll up), 31
R (roll down), 31
RAD (set radian angular mode), 36
Radians to degrees/grads conversion, 38
Range, dynamic, 80
RCL (recall), 27–28
Reading prerecorded program cards, 12–13, 92–93
Recall last x to X, 24–25
Recall storage register rn to X, 27–28
Recall pi to X, 33
Reciprocal, 45, 47
Recording a program, 16
Rectangular to polar conversion, 37, 41
REG (clear addressable registers), 18
operations using R9, 30
stack (X, Y, Z, T), 8
storage (R1 , . . . , R9), 27–30
Last X, 24–25
Relational tests of x and y, 63–64
Repeating a program, example, 54