D, 52
conversion, See Conversions.
display, 19–23
entry, 5, 23–24
moving, 8, 30–33
Debugging suggestions, 76
Decimal octal conversion, 42–43
Decimal point
in display, 19
keying it into a number, 5
Decrementing register R8, 63
Defining a program label, 14, 52
DEG (set degree angular mode), 36
Degrees, minutes, seconds
addition/subtraction, 37, 39
conversion to/from, 37–38
Degrees to radians/grads, conversion, 38
DEL (delete program step), 61
Digits, See 0, . . . , 9 at beginning of index
Disabling stack lift, 26
blinking, 21–22
fixed, 19–20
low battery indication, 21, 23
program operation, appearance during, 21
scientific, 20–21
W/PRGM mode codes, 51, 77
stack, 7, 9
storage registers, 30
f D.MS (decimal angle degrees, minutes, seconds), 37–38
fD.MS+ (add/subtract degrees, minutes, seconds), 37, 39