
rectangular polar, 37, 4041

COS (cosine/arc cosine), 37, 39

Customer service, 17



D, 52

conversion, See Conversions.

display, 1923

entry, 5, 2324

moving, 8, 3033

Debugging suggestions, 76

Decimal octal conversion, 4243

Decimal point

in display, 19

keying it into a number, 5

Decrementing register R8, 63

Defining a program label, 14, 52

DEG (set degree angular mode), 36

Degrees, minutes, seconds

addition/subtraction, 37, 39

conversion to/from, 3738

Degrees to radians/grads, conversion, 38

DEL (delete program step), 61

Digits, See 0, . . . , 9 at beginning of index

Disabling stack lift, 26


blinking, 2122

fixed, 1920

low battery indication, 21, 23

program operation, appearance during, 21

scientific, 2021

W/PRGM mode codes, 51, 77


stack, 7, 9

storage registers, 30

f D.MS (decimal angle degrees, minutes, seconds), 3738

fD.MS+ (add/subtract degrees, minutes, seconds), 37, 39