Section 4: Programming 151
Thus programmed. when you pressed the A key (in RUN mode), the calculator searched the program memory for the corresponding label (LBL A). Upon finding the label, the calculator executed the steps following the label, one after the other in sequential order, until the return (RTN) told the calculator to stop.
Figure 4-2 summarizes the above operations to define functions.
Program Memory: Program memory contains the user’s stored program.
  Capacity: 100 locations
  Top is above first location.
  Bottom is last location.
Pointer: The pointer is an internal part of the calculator. It determines which memory location is executed or displayed.
Codes: In W/PRGM mode. keystrokes are stored in memory as codes: Top of memory code is 00 00. The codes for keys 0-9 are 00-09. For other keys, a code denotes a row and a column. Example: Code for R/S (row 8, column 4) is 84.
Merged Codes: Program codes for the following are merged with their respective prefix codes: LSTX, NOP, x y, R , R , x≠y, x≤y, x=y, x>y, and 1, . . . , 8 when prefixed by STO or RCL.
  Example: gLSTX in program mode is merged and displayed as 35 00; STO 5 as 33 05, etc. Note that STO 9 and RCL 9 are not merged.
Single Step:
  In W/PRGM mode, SST advances the program pointer to the next memory location, displaying the code. Repeated use of the key enables you to review a program and to position the pointer for editing.
  In RUN mode, SST executes the program step denoted by the program pointer. In the case of single stepping a call to a user defined function, (A, . . . , E), the entire function executes (as one step) before returning control to the keyboard.
Figure 4-1. Memory, Codes, and the Single Step Key