Section 4: Programming 159
If the pointer is at the bottom. and you try to insert a step, the code(s) will be generated in the display, but will not go into memory. Deleting the bottom step also deletes the step ahead of it. For a critical case like this. be sure to reinsert the last step.

Test Operations

To complete the discussion of programming the HP-65, we will consider the test operations summarized in Figure 4-5. The test operations are particularly valuable for performing iterative calculations.

Using the Flags for Programmed Decisions

The calculator has two flags (called flag 1 and flag 2) available for your use. A flag is an invisible piece of information with just two possible conditions: on or off. The flag operations are given in Figure 4-5. p. 63. You can set a flag on or off by using the Set Flag operations. These operations can be executed from the keyboard or from a program. The reason for setting a flag is so that a program can later make a decision based on the condition of the flag (using the test flag operations).
Sample Case. Flags. Create a function A that computers (1/x)2 if flag 1 is on and computes (x2) if flag 1 is off. Assume that the desired condition of flag 1 has been previously set.
  Switch to W/PRGM
  Clear memory by pressing fPRGM
  Key in the following steps.
Keys     Comment
LBL A      
fTF1      Test flag 1 for on.
g        If on, calculate (1/x).
f-1        Square x or 1/x.
RTN      Stop.
   If flag is on, these two steps are not skipped. If off, they are skipped and x is not replaced by 1/x.