Section 1: General Operations19
Clearing Entire Calculator
The entire calculator can be completely cleared by turning the power switch off, then on. When the power comes on,
however, programs for the default functions corresponding to the window legends above the top row keys
1/x, , yX, R ,x y) will be automatically placed in program memory.
Clearing Program Memory
fPRGM clears the HP-65’s 100-step program memory but is effective only when the W/PRGM—RUN switch is in W/PRGM position.
In RUN position, fPRGM has the same effect as CLx.
The display is used to show results, operational errors, low battery condition,programs in execution, and program
steps. Additionally, in W/PRGM—RUN mode, the display allows you to “see” each step of a program in memory
(this use of the display will be described in the Programming section).
Setting Display
The HP-65 displays up to 15 characters: mantissa sign, 10-digit mantissa, decimal point, exponent sign, and 2-digit
exponent. In RUN mode, the display shows a rounded version of the number in the X register. Two display modes
(fixed and scientific notation) with a variety of rounding options may be selected from the keyboard.
(Rounding options affect the display only; the HP-65 always maintains full accuracy internally.)
Fixed Display. Fixed notation is specified by pressing DSP followed
by the appropriate number key to specify the number of decimal places (0—9) to which the display
is to be rounded. Fixed notation allows all answers to be displayed with the same precision. The display is
left-justified and includes trailing zeros within the setting selected. When the calculator is turned off,