The HP-65 can save a number in each of the four registers.
Most problems can be solved by keying in the numbers in the same order as they appear in the original expression,
that is, from left-to-right. To work a problem, key in the first number. If there is an operation you can perform
at this point, do it. If there is not, press ENTER . Now key in the next number. Perform any operation that
can be done (+, –, ×, ÷, etc.). If there is no operation you can perform, ENTER this number and repeat
the procedure, keying in the next number. Examples on the following two pages illustrate this procedure.
Arithmetic and the Stack. When you press the addition key the contents of
X and Y are added together.
The stack then drops, with t reproduced in T and
Z, z transferred to
Y, (y+x)
transferred to X, and x transferred to Last X.
(Last X is described in Section 1.)
The same dropping action takes place with any arithmetic operator (+, –, ×, or ÷); the result
is placed in X.