Recording the Function
To record the program
Select an unprotected (unclipped) magnetic card.
Switch to W/PRGM. (A reminder: W/PRGM stand for Write.).
Pass the card through the right lower slot exactly as in loading a program. Providing the card is unprotected,
it now contains your program.
In the above example, we left keys B,...,E undefined. We could have keyed in definitions
for them, also.
We have just shown how you can write a program for a simple function and identify it with one of the five
user-definable keys. Your HP-65 can also be programmed without any reference to the top keys. You will see
an example of this when you turn again to the subject of programming later in this handbook. It is easy to
create simple functions. With very little additional effort, you can create functions or other programs of
considerable complexity.
We hope that you have enjoyed your introduction to the HP-65 Pocket Calculator. The rest of the handbook
presents the aspects of the calculator not covered thus far. In regard to the reference information (enclosed
in blocks, to distinguish it from the narrative), it is probably sufficient to study this material casually
on first reading, postponing a more thorough reading until completion of the entire book. You can quickly
become familiar with the keyboard and gain assurance by merely keying in the numerous sample cases and making
sure that you understand each of them.