
3. Creating Your Own Program

Programmability and Definable Keys

Highly sophisticated calculations can be achieved by sequences of keystrokes. Since the calculator is truly programmable, including both branching and testing capabilities, it is quite possible to set a program to iterate all night. Programs can consist of up to 100 memory locations.
We have seen how the top row key functions can be defined to a particular use by loading an appropriately prerecorded magnetic card. Using a very simple example, we will now define the A key. We first plan the function, key it into memory, and then test it. If it tests satisfactorily, we will record it on a magnetic card for future use.

Planning the Function

The following key sequence computes x3 (the cube of whatever value k is in the X register).
Z   k    
Y k k k  
X k k k2 k3
Keys     × ×
Note: ENTER  is here
Note: abbreviated as  .
To adapt the sequence to be a function that is callable by the A key, we precede the sequence by LBL A (to identify the function) and conclude the sequence by RTN (to return control to the keyboard).