program handle the busy part of the calculation. Typically, you just key in the data and start the program running. The program stops when it needs more data or when it displays a result.

3. To Create, Record, and Execute Your Own Programs

No prior programming experience is necessary to program the HP-65. You can easily define the five top row keys to calculate functions of your own creation for use alone or with other pro grams. You plan your problem in terms of the keystrokes needed for calculation and the additional keystrokes needed to control your program. You set the mode switch to W/PRGMRUN position and key the keystroke sequence into memory. You may then record your program for future re-entry by merely passing a magnetic card through the calculator. Upon switching back to RUN mode, you can execute your stored program.
In this introduction, we will briefly demonstrate these three methods. We suggest that you do the examples to confirm that your calculator works properly and to become familiar with it.

1. Calculating Manually

Getting Started

Your HP-65 Pocket Calculator is shipped fully assembled including a battery. Before using the calculator for portable use, charge it for 14 hours as described in Appendix C. You may run the calculator on battery power alone or you may connect the battery charger and run while the battery is charging. To get started:
  Set W/PRGMRUN switch to RUN position.
  Turn OFFON switch to ON position.
You should now see displayed 0.00; if not, please turn to Appendix C.

Keying In Numbers

Key in the number and include the decimal point if it is a part of the number. For example, try keying in 314.32 which would be done by merely pressing:
314  32