
Return, 52

Roll stack down, 31

Roll stack up, 31

Rounding display, 1921

R P(rectangular polar conversion), 37, 4041

R/S (run/stop), 56

RTN (return), 53

Run/stop, 56

RUN. See W/PRGMRUN switch.



Scientific Display, 20

Scientific notation, data entry, 2324

Scratch register R9, 2930

Service, Appendix C, (8593)

SF1, SF2 (set flag 1, set flag 2), 5961


of exponents, 2324

of numbers, 7

SIN (sine/arc sine), 37, 3940

Single step, 51, 76

Skip, two step, 63

Square, 4546

Square root, 4546

SST (single step), 51, 76

Stack, operational, 8

arithmetic, 711

clearing, 13

drop, 9

lift, 26

manipulation, 3133

Starting a program, 52, 56

Step, program, 51

Stepping through a program, 4851, 76

STK (clear stack), 18

STO (store), 2730

Stopping a program, 56

Storing in register Rn, 2730

Storage register arithmetic, 30