Section 2: Registers29
We will store these constants in R1, and R2.
See Displayed
Set display to four fixed places.
3.7854 STO 1
Stores liters/gallons conversion constant in R1.
2.54 STO 2
Stores centimeters/inch conversion constant in R2.
3.6 RCL 1 ×
Capacity of tank 1 in liters.
13.5 RCL 2 ×
Height of tank 1 in centimeters.
5.5 RCL 1 ×
Capacity of tank 2 in liters.
20.9 RCL 2 ×
Height of tank 2 in centimeters.
11.3 RCL 1 ×
Capacity of tank 3 in liters.
32.8 RCL 2 ×
Height of tank 3 in centimeters.
Reset display.
Choosing Addressable Registers
Except for the case of registers R8 and RR9, it is immaterial as to which registers you use.
R8 is the special object of the Decrement and Skip on Zero (gDSZ) operation
(presented in Section 4), which uses it as a descending counter (index) in program applications.
If this use is contemplated, R8 should be avoided for other uses. Otherwise, it may be freely used.
R9 is subject to alteration by the trigonometric functions (including the rectangular / polar conversions)
and the relational tests (used In programs). These functions use R9 for intermediate calculations
(scratch). At other times R9 is available for your use.