Section 3: Functions45
Keys Function Input Value(s) Result
fLN  Natural logarithm (base e) x not zero or less (x > 0) ln (x) in X
f-1LN  Natural antilogarithm (ex) Unrestricted x ex in X
fLOG  Common logarithm (base 10) x not zero or less (x > 0) log (x) in X
f-1LOG  Common antilogarithm (10x) Unrestricted x 10x in X
f   Square root (√x) Non negative x (x ≥ 0) x in X
f-1   Square x2 Unrestricted x x2 in X
g1/x  Reciprocal (1/x) Non zero (x ≠ 0) 1/x in X
gn!  Integer factorial (n!)
n! = 123. . . (n-1)n
0! = 1
Non negative integer n in x (x ≥ 0; x an integer) n! in X
gyX  Exponential yx Positive y and unrestricted x (y > 0) yx in X; stack drops
Figure 3-3. Functions of x and the Exponential Function (yx)