Appendix A: Operating Limits80
argument having a value that is within ±N counts (see table below) in the 10th (least significant) digit of the actual input argument. For example, 1.609437912 is given as the natural log of 5 when calculated on the HP-65. However, this is an approximation because the result displayed (1.6094379l2) is actually the natural log of a number between 4.999999998 and 5.000000002, which is ±2 counts (N=2 for logarithms) in the 10th (least significant) digit of the actual input argument.
  fLN        2    
  trigonometric   3    
  gyX        4 for y, and 10 for x  
  f-1LOG        7  
  fR P      4  
  f-1R P       
   An additional error in the 10th least significant digit of the displayed result is ± 1 count for fLN and ± 3 1 counts for fLOG.
     Trigonometric operations have an additional accuracy limitation of ± 1 × 10–9 in the displayed answer.

Calculating Range

To ensure greater accuracy, the HP-65 performs all calculations by using a 10-digit number and a power of 10. This abbreviated form of expressing numbers is called scientific notation i.e., 23712.45 = 2.371245 × 104 in scientific notation.


If a result develops that is too small in magnitude (<10–99) to be carried in a register, the register is set to zero and the program stops running.