General Operating Instructions
In addition, the Σ+ key is used to compute the sum of the squares of all your entries, and keeps track of the number of entries you’ve made. (To see how many entries you’ve made, simply press x y. But before you resume summing press x y again.)
The mean is calculated by pressing  ; the alternate function of this key     ( Σ) permits you to continue summing—thereby modifying the results of previous mean calculations.
We’ve also provided an error recovery routine in case incorrect data is entered. To correct your last entry calculation, after pressing Σ+, reenter the incorrect value and press   Σ+ (Σ–); you are back where you were before the incorrect entry. Note that a value must be entered prior to each Σ+ keystroke or errors will result.

Sum-of-Digits Calculations

The sum-of-the-digits key SOD is used to calculate an amortization schedule and related balances for consumer finance charges or depreciation of capital assets.
Amortization on a period-by-period basis as well as the remaining balance after any given period can be obtained. Furthermore, you have the option of finding this information at any point in the amortized life span and can obtain values for all subsequent periods if you wish.

Trend Line Calculations

To forecast or estimate trends, you may chart a straight line of best fit through data points across a periodic (daily, weekly, etc.) time span. This type of analysis is made possible through the TL (trend line) key. The HP-80 calculates the course of a straight trend line by operating on chronologically-entered data, and then projecting the line to any point.