Appendix B

Combined Arithmetic Processes
The HP-80 performs combined arithmetic operations—serial, mixed and chain calculations—with ease. If you read Appendix A (Design Concepts) you now know how the operational stack works and can apply that knowledge to the following examples.

Automatic Doubling, Squaring

If you want to double or square a number, it’s not necessary to press that number twice. Merely enter the number, save it and press + to double or × to square the number. For example, to double 3,
 Enter:  See Displayed:  
3 SAVE  +   
  3 doubled
The following illustrates the data flow in the stack.
 3   3.  3 is keyed into X.
 SAVE    3.00  3 is loaded into X and Y.
 +   6.00  Contents of X and Y are added; result (6) is loaded into X.
To square 3,
 Enter:  See Displayed:  
3 SAVE  ×   
  3 squared
Again in the stack,
 3   3.  3 is keyed into X.
 SAVE    3.00  3 is loaded into X and Y.
 ×   9.00  Contents of X and Y are multiplied and the product (9) is loaded into X.