Appendix B: Combined Arithmetic Processes
 10   10.  10 is keyed and loaded into X; 4 is loaded into V; 58 is loaded into Z.
 +   14.00  Contents of X (10) and Y (4) are added then contents are destroyed; result (14) is loaded into X; contents of Z (58) are dropped to Y.
 +   72.00  Contents of X (14) and Y (58) are added then contents are destroyed; result (72) is loaded into X.
 213.08   213.08  213.08 is keyed into X, 72 is loaded into Y.
 SAVE    213.08  213.08 is loaded into X and Y, 72 is loaded into Z.
 5   5.  5 is keyed and loaded into X; previous contents (213.08) are destroyed.
 ×   1065.40  Contents of X (5) and Y (213.08) are multiplied then contents are destroyed; result (1065.40) is loaded into X, contents of Z (72) are dropped to Y.
 1.33   1.33  1.33 is keyed and loaded into X; 1065.40 is loaded into Y; 72 is loaded into Z.
 ÷   801.05  Contents of Y (1065.40) are divided by contents of X (1.33) then contents are destroyed; result (801.05) is loaded into X; contents of Z (72) are dropped to Y.
 ×   57675.79  Contents of X (801.05) and Y (72) are multiplied then contents are destroyed; result (57675.79) is loaded into X.
 2   2.  2 is keyed and loaded into X, 57675.79 is loaded into Y.
 ÷   8837.89  Contents of Y (57675.79) are divided by contents of X (2) then contents are destroyed; result (28837.89) is loaded into X.