Appendix B: Combined Arithmetic Processes
the results. With the HP-80 you can do this in one pass without having to write down or store intermediate results. To do so,
 Enter:  See Displayed:  
12 SAVE  1.58 ×   $
8 SAVE  2.67 ×   $
+   $
16 SAVE  .54 ×   $
+   $
Back at the stack,
 12   12.  12 is keyed into X.
 SAVE    12.00  12 is loaded into X and Y.
 1.58   1.58  1.58 is keyed and loaded into X; previous contents (12) are destroyed.
 ×   18.96  Contents of X (1.58) and Y (12) are multiplied then contents are destroyed; result (18.96) is loaded into X.
 8   8.  8 is keyed into X, 18.96 is loaded into Y.
 SAVE    9.00  8 is loaded into X and Y, 18.96 is loaded into Z.
 2.67   2.67  2.67 is keyed in and loaded into X; previous contents (8) are destroyed.
 ×   21.36  Contents of X (2.67) and Y (8) are multiplied then contents are destroyed; result (21.36) is loaded into X, 18.96 is dropped from Z to Y.
 +   40.32  Contents of X (` (21.36) and Y (18.96) are added then contents are destroyed; result (40.32) is loaded into X.
 16   16.  16 is keyed into X, 40.32 is loaded into Y.
 SAVE    16.00  16 is loaded into X and Y, 40.32 is loaded into Z.
 .54   54.  .54 is keyed in and loaded into X; previous contents (16) are destroyed.
 ×   8.64  Contents of X (.54) and Y (16) are multiplied then contents are destroyed; result (8.64) is loaded into X, contents of Z (40.32) are dropped to Y.
 +   48.96  Contents of X (8:64) and Y (40.32) are added then contents are destroyed; result (48.96) is loaded into X.