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DDAYS and DATE+ for the HP-42S

Original date functions by Christoph Giesselink repackaged by Erik Ehrling (e.g. added type checking).

This is an implementation of the two date functions DDAYS and DATE+ from the HP-48 which calculates the number of days between two dates (DDAYS) and adds/subtracts a number of days to a given date (DATE+). All dates within the Gregorian calendar from the start the 15th October 1582 up to the 31st December 9999 are supported.

Note: This version hides the underlying functions D2J and J2D. If you are interested in these functions you'd be better of with the full package of date functions


Enter two dates on the stack
Y: start date (format mm.ddyyyy)
X: end date (format mm.ddyyyy)
and then run DDAYS. The result will be the number of days between the start date and the end date.


Y: original date (format mm.ddyyyy)
X: number of days to add (positive or negative)
and then run DATE+. The result will be the original date + given number of days (on the format mm.ddyyyy)


Technical notes:

The program is built up around two functions for converting a Gregorian date into a Julian date (LBL 08 in the program) and a Julian date into a Gregorian date (LBL 10) based on algorithms by R. G. Tantzen. Around these functions is a wrapper that does validation of the input, converts dates into their Julian representation, does the subtraction or addition and then converts back into Gregorian format.

Robert G. Tantzen: "Algorithm 199: Conversions between calendar date and Julian day number" in Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, Issue 8 (August 1963)

Binary files for emulators:
Raw binary: date.raw  Binary for HP-42X: date.42x

Generated by 42s2html - 31 January 2004, 12:03