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Date functions for the HP-42S
By Christoph Giesselink
This is a set of programs implementing support for date functions on
the HP-42S.
D2J Converts from Gregorian date to Julian
J2D Converts from Julian date to Gregorian
DDAYS Calculates the number of days
between two dates
DATE+ Adds a specified number of days to
a given date
EAST Calculates the day of easter for a
given year
EDN Calculates the day number in the year
State-file for Emu42 with the full date package: alldate.e42
(Note: This state-file was created
with a Rev C ROM image)
If you are only after the DDAYS and DATE+ functions and are not
interested in accessing the D2J and J2D functions you might also take a
look here.