Appendix A: Design Concepts
When you press + , x is added to y, and the entire stack drops to display the answer in X. The same thing happens for , × and ÷. Whenever the stack drops, t is duplicated from T into Z, and z drops to Y as follows:
Press Contents Location
+, ,

× or ÷
Look at the contents of the stack as we calculate (3 × 4) + (5 × 6). The keys used are shown above the circled steps 1 through 9. Directly above the keys you see the information in X, Y, Z and T after the key stroke.
Z            12.   12.     
Y    3.   3.     12.   5.   5.   12.   
X  3.   3.   4.   12.   5.   5.   6.   30.   42. 
KEY 3 SAVE  4 × 5 SAVE  6 × +
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Step Remarks
1 3 is in display (X)
2 3 is duplicated into Y.
3 4 is in display (X)
4 Contents of X and Y are multiplied; result (12) is loaded into X.
5 Automatic SAVE  pushes 12 into Y when 5 is keyed in, display shows 5.
6 SAVE  pushes 12 into Z, 5 into Y, and leaves X unchanged.
7 6 in display overwrites 5 in X since it immediately follows SAVE .
8 Contents of X and Y are multiplied; result (30) is loaded into X, 12 drops to Y.
9 Contents of X and Y are added; result (42) is loaded in X.