HP-11C HELP!!! with Decimal Pts & 1000's Separators

Post: #4

I was fiddling with my HP-11C trying to remember which key to
depress (along with the ON key) to reset it. Somehow I changed display settings and now get e.g. 1.234.567,89 instead of 1,234,567.89 that I am used to.

Can anyone help me reverse the damage?


Post: #5


Try to press "." (decimal point) and ON. In the 15C works.

Have a nice day


Post: #6


this is just to enhance Iñigo´s answer, that is correct by itself.

The best way to change the radix mark (decimal separator) in any Voyager (HP10C, 11C, 12C´family´, 15C and 16C) is:

1) Make sure your calculator is turnned off;
2) Press and hold the [.] key;
3) while holding the [.] key, turn the calculator on;
4) release the [.] key.

This sequence toggles the decimal separator (and thousands and well) between dot and comma.

Hope this helps.

Edited: 14 July 2006, 7:57 p.m.

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