HP Calcs...


I am deighted to inform all of you that I have created a HP calculator use website.

Working in the financial field, I've always been interested with financial maths and actualization calculations. My site will show my collection and explain the use of finance calculations with an HP calc... as well as the limits !

Please have a look at my site and leave any comment, which will be most appreciated !



Good job Thibaut! And many nice photos (a lot of pop-up windows also ;-). Congratulations!


Your site looks great Thibaut!! If you lived in France, could have called it "EuroHpcalc" (with a logo of an HP calc with mouse ears ;-) Seriously Thibaut, I think you've found an untapped niche: the HP financials. Nice job on the financial diagrams and formulae too. I wonder if Gene Wright has seen your webpage (see http://members.aol.com/hpgene/book.html)?

I have some questions. Can you please tell me about the power supply you've connected to your 9114 HP-IL disk drive (see http://hpcalc.multimania.com/images/9114A%20disk%20drive.jpg)? Does it simply charge the standard 6 volt battery, or does the power supply directly power the drive without any battery at all? If so, what are the specifications of the power supply.. (6 volts at how many amps? I am guessing 6 to 8 amps peak)?


ps. Because I live here (USA), I can personally appreciate your financial examples using dollars ($). Is there any reason why you chose US currency for your webpage (I am assuming: broadest appeal?)


Many thanks for your encouragements. It will make me going further on.

Indeed, the financials is quite an interesting topic, not so much developed. In addition, many professionals do not use accurately and correclty financials, so the idea was to generalize and popularize it.

I bought this disk drive, without battery, but advertised as "with en educalc power adapter". I was connected with a DIN plug to the drive. I sold it some time ago to one of the members of our community and will ask him to answer your question.

I used examples in $ to get a broader public, and did not want to call it eurocalc as I don't want to restrict to Europe. By the way, the European Community recently legalised interests advertising and asked to show the exact financial rate; I thought it was interesting for US people to know that waht is advertised is not always correct.

Finally, I dod not want to build up a copy of this site, that is perfectly done, but just to enter a not so explored niche.


Hi Thibaut.be Is it possible to have a section on your web site devoted to examples of equations using proper syntax for the equation solver? I'm aware that the 19B & 17BII have the same equation solver ability except for trigonometric functions. Regards, Michael


Yes, I can.

What would you like to see ? I read your message abiout combining analysis, but that question is a little tough for a first example. Don't you have something more easy ? Than we could look how to solve your problem.


Hi here's something I'm working on presently. Hope you can help: On page 167 owners manual HP-17BII. I successfully found a way to have
two equations together and get two separate answers. Here is the new
P/M = How fast Per Mile I walked in a given time & distance (answer is
in minutes and seconds e.g. 6 decimal places=.130961 = 13mins 9.61sec)
T = (time in min&sec) HRS() is a function that converts hours,minutes,
& seocnds to decimal hours HH.MMSS page 158
M = number of laps (one lap is .385 of a mile)
B = number of laps (one lap is ..435 of a mile)
Let M=5 T=.2520 (25mins 20sec) B=0 (B must be zero to solve for
P/M) (when I want to use B the M must be zero therefore I can solve
two different distances)

HRS(P/M)=HRS(T)/IF(M=0 XOR B=0:Mx.385+Bx.435:Mx0=Bx0)

Here is the old way:
P/M = seconds per mile based on 13 minutes per mile(my seconds are
usually between 0 to 59)
M = number of laps (one lap is .385 of a mile)
Let Min=25 SEC=20 M=5 P/M = answer (9.61 therefore I
know I did a 13:09.61 mile)

P/M=((MIN+SEC/60)/(M x .385)-13)x60

Here is what I want to do:replace HRS(T) with ((MIN+SEC/60)/ and M x
.385 with (M x .385)-13)x60 and HRS(P/L)= with P/M=
Here is the way the equation looks:

P/M=((MIN+SEC/60)/IF(M=0 XOR

My question is when I press CALC the equation comes out INVALID at the
end of this part Mx.385)-13) on the parenthesis.
The reason I want the answer to come out in seconds only is because in
the SUM list I can calculate MEAN & STANDARD DEVIATION In the other
format it can't be done. The problem I think is the parenthesis. I tried
some variations but I gave up after a half hour. Do you think the LET
function would work?

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