Hi folks,
I'm developing a "ROM drawer" for my HP-85 using of-the-shelf 74HC logic chips. In the HP-85 service manual I figured out the auto-increment addressing and the logic to send 16 bit adresses to the ROMs.
I only need to know how to select among several ROMs stored on a FLASH device. What is the I/O address (from $FF00 to $FFFF memory mapped I/O?) to select the right ROM image?
My logic acts as a "decoder" from the HP-85 bus to an ordinary 8 bit data/20 bit address bus and /WE and /RD lines to connect with SRAM and/or FLASH devices.
Many thanks in advance, and best regards!
Nelson Sicuro
Edited: 9 Nov 2005, 8:56 a.m.