MLDL - How to convert mod files

Post: #2


Sorry for the silly question - as probably many of you I have access to .mod files of old HP modules. However the amazing new device making many of us happy and sleepless, the MLDL from Meinder, only uses ROM images. Is there a way to convert the MOD files into ROM files?


Post: #3

Click on the MOD file utility that comes with the V41 source. Load the appropriate MOD file. Highlight the MOD file. Click on INFO. Exit the MOD file utility and you'll find the .ROM in the same directory as the MOD file. I hope this helps...

Post: #4

Thanks Bill! The "Extract Rom" did the trick. Now my sleep is definitely gone... Thanks alot!



Post: #5

I will support .MOD files in a later version of the software


Post: #6

Yes, I´ve got it!

If you are as crazy as I am, you have 245 pages (FLASH) full of different images... And I´m still not finished.. I think, I really need a second unit, Meindert.

Post: #7

I really did not think there were more images than would fit in the MLDL2000, but you beat me here. Your 2nd unit is on my list ;)

I really want to know if the modules also work and which modules cause problems, but that may be a bit more work than just downloading ....


Post: #8

Hi Meindert

Shure. I guess the top of the "problem-making-module-list" will be ServiceROMs, BankSwitching Modules and Autostart Modules.
Unfortuantelly I do not have manuals of many of these modules...

BY the way: My MLDL has double memory, is this correct? If so, I have enough space for the rest of the modules ;)


Post: #9

Service ROM is tested and works, bankswitching needs some more extensive testing, but I do n\know that Advantage works.
Autostart would be interesting, but should not really cuase problems. I do know that HEPAX does not work.

So if any on the forum has tested ROM images in the MLDL2000, please let me know!

Your extra memory is all SRAM, so less save from power failures (and not tested ;)


Post: #10


crazy you are...

Do you really have 245 different images or did you copy some images to more than one page?

Or do you have different versions of the same module?


Post: #11


Most of the images (not modules!) are different, I think about 235. Shure I added CCD A, CCD B, CCD OS/X and CCD modified as they are all different.
Note that each ZEPROM needs 16k = 4 pages, so some modules need a lot of pages (for instance the SMI modules).
Maybe there is also a Sandbox-3D 4k and 8k version on my MLDL...
I found some EPROMs I finally copied into the MLDL (I was waiting for this for a long time).


Post: #12

Hi Matthias, all;

any chance to access these different ROM contents? I'm building my MLDL2000 with connectors instead of direct soldering wires and specific add-ons to hold PCB's inside the card reader shelter, so I believe I'll get it ready till this very weekend. I'm recording each step with pictures and, as soon as it is finished and working, I'm posting the complete sequence.

I hope I have as much ROM images as possible, either in the MLDL memory itself or in a PC I'm building just for HP calculators' related stuff (a Celeron 450MHz, 128MBytesRAM, 20GB HardDisk, all of this already with me) with all possible I/O ports. This way, everything I need will be there and HP41 ROM images are always welcome. I myself have the following actual ROM modules:

Extended IO (dont't know which version)

Financial 1C (there is a 1B, with some different listings)

Navigation (don't remember version right now)

As soon as I have the MLDL2000 working, I'm saving these. Please, let me know if there is a way to access the ROM images you mention above. I intend going ahead trying to develop something, if applicable. Or, if you prefer:

Thanks and best regards.

Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 8 Nov 2005, 2:55 p.m.

Post: #13

Hi Luiz, my friend!

Sorry to answer before Matthias but many Rom images are downloadable from TOS!

Am I missing something here?? I confess not having an MLDL but these images seem to me the exact format needed by the MLDL!!

Sorry again to interfer!

I'll delete if inappropriate...of course

All the best!


Post: #14

Hello, Etienne; thank you for your answer!

I have already been at TOS and found at least one of each of the most well known (or early available) ROM's, but Matthias has many versions of the same ROM. I know many of them were revised and updated. I have a FINANCE 1C and once I had the chance to use a FINANCE 1B. The 1C version has part of the listing for a few functions rewriten when compared to the 1B. I printed all of the 1B contents and still have it, but I am worried about the fact that the blue thermal papper is beginning to fade out (it's been more almost two decades since I printed it...).

About ROM and MOD. It seems to me they are different from each other, hence the need to convert, but as I have no operating RAM box so far, I cant tell anything about this.

Thanks again, Etienne. And be well.


Luiz (Brèsil)

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