hp49g+ help with infrared printer

Post: #6

Can anybody please tell me if it is possible to use the old infrared printer 82240A with the hp49g+? I have tried the PRLCD and PRSTC command which always worked on my hp48s but nothing happened. The manual isn't very comprehensive about this topic.
Or is there some trick to enable the infrared port?

PS. Since I have upgraded to the new ROM I haven't had any missed keystrokes or keybounces, so it seems to work at last (My serial No. is CNA 434... in case anybody is interested).

Post: #7

You need a slightly more modern 82240B which can be had (with a bit of luck)for peanuts on ebay. This would cope with backward compatibility of older calcs. Otherwise, other brands of printer work (even better?) with the 49g+ but I can't find the list now.


Post: #8

Also, the printer has to be very close to the 49G+ (within 5 cm I think) because the IR range is much less than for the 48.


Post: #9

Actually, the 82240A printer does work with the 49g+ (and 48
series), but uses a different character set (Roman 8 only) for the
non-ASCII characters. Executing OLDPRT changes the remapping
string in the reserved variable PRTPAR so that much of the 48
(and 49) series' (modified) ECMA 94 character set prints correctly
with the 82240A's Roman 8 character set. To change back to
printing to an 82240B, edit PRTPAR to make an empty remapping
string, that is, simply "".

The 82240B has two character sets; Roman 8 is the default, so
older calculators work just fine with it. With the 48 series,
49g+, and 48gII, any printing via IR starts out by sending an
escape string to switch the printer to using the ECMA 94 character
set; this escape sequence is simply ignored by the older 82240A.

As for getting the 49g+ to print to the 82240A or 82240B, make
sure system flag -34 is clear (Print via IR), and, as Tom said,
make sure the calculator is very close to the printer.

Also, when transferring or printing via IrDA, don't have the 82240
within range, as some IrDA signals will be misinterpreted by the
82240A/B printer.

Note that for "screen captures" with HPComm or Conn4x, flag -34
must be set (Print via wire).

The flags on the calculator are a little confusing (especially for
printing), so here's a table.

flag -33                    flag -34               transfer          print

clear (Transfer via wire) clear (Print via IR) via wire via RedEye IR
clear (Transfer via wire) set (Print via wire) via wire via wire
set (Transfer via IR) clear (Print via IR) via SIR or IrDA via RedEye IR
set (Transfer via IR) set (Print via wire) via SIR or IrDA via SIR or IrDA

For the 48 series or 49G, "via wire" means RS-232 compatible
signals. For the 48gII, a level shifter (built-in to the cable and
powered by a real RS-232 device) is used to make the signal RS-232
compatible. For the 49g+, "via wire" means via USB.

Of course, the 49G doesn't have the IR hardware, so attempting to
transfer or print via IR won't work with it.

"RedEye" is for printing to the 82240A/B.

"SIR" (Serial IR) is the format used for transferring via IR
between 48 series; not available in the 49 series (including the
48gII). Note that the 48 series can also print in this format.

"IrDA" is used on the 49g+ and 48gII for transfers with or
printing to any other IrDA capable device; not available on the 48

Any "via wire" printing (even if it's really SIR or IrDA) respects
the character translation mode set in IOPAR, except that LineFeed
characters are translated to the line termination string (by
default, CarriageReturn LineFeed) set in PRTPAR.


Post: #10


Some printers from Martel Instruments are supposed to work anywhere that the 82240A/B works.

Of course, with the 49g+ and 48gII, any IrDA capable printer should work.

Note that although the 49g+ has a USB port, it's a "device" port, not a "host" port, so won't work with any other USB "device", including a USB printer.


Post: #11

Sorry, I forgot to include Tom.


Post: #12

Thank you James and Arnaud for your quick and encyclopedic answer. I think everything has been covered although I haven't understood everything in the first run. But I will make a printout and put it into my manual for further reference.

Anyway it worked at the first try with the combination of the changed flag and the lower distance. So a lot of thanks again to both of you. This has really saved my day.


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