HP Calcs and amatuer Radio

Post: #2

Has any one ever written programs for HP calcs that solve inductance, coil winding or any other topic related to amatuer Radio. My son and I have been building a tube radio and I was curious to see some of the interesting programs written for such items.

Post: #3

Hi Jeff,

Great to see that you're doing a father/son project building a tube radio. Should be a fun project.

You might want to try a search on the HPCALC.ORG site. I just did a search on "Inductor", "Capacitor", and "Resistor" and got several interesting hits. Not sure which calculators you're wanting to use.

Found the following HP-33S guide to electrical engineering:


The HPmuseum site has following:




Have fun building the radio.




Post: #4

> Has any one ever written programs for...

Quite a bunch for the TI-59. That was before my HP days. Let me know if you're interested anyway. I've maintained my license, but have been inactive for 21 years.



Edited: 8 Sept 2005, 4:20 p.m.

Post: #5

Hi Jeff,

Once I wrote a simple program to do inductance based on a standard formula.

I would refer you to ARRL Handbook. Very practical "Bible" for
any amateur radio (transciever or reciever) builder. You can get them cheap second hand and maybe someone has scanned one in and released it into the peer-to-peer space (I recommend Limewire, a well configured computer and DUE CAUTION to access the Guntella
P2P mesh)...

Once I had a HAM licence (as a young teenager), dropped my licence
in my early 20's. (Most amateur radio operators [I know] know distressingly little about electronics and operating regs for that matter, so I had no-one savvy to talk to. At its best an interesting hobby though. Anyone here remember SSTV?)



Post: #6

I used to be GM4CFM but never bothered getting a licence once I moved to VK-land. Paradoxically, I got diverted into doing stuff with computers (partly due to the fun I was having with my -45 and -65) and ham radio fell by the wayside.

I still have a 1978 ARRL Handbook on the bookshelf, though.


--- Les

Post: #7

From Les: "I still have a 1978 ARRL Handbook on the bookshelf, though."

The first one I bought, which I still have, is from 1960, when I got my license, and I have one somewhere from 1946 that was originally my Dad's (and, I just realized, the same age as me). These are sort of like HP calculators - thay can be admired and used even after many years for their continuing utility (although finding some of the components might be a challenge! Do you still have any acorn tubes or selenium rectifiers?!).


Dave W8MIF/ZF2AZ (ex K3NXO)

Post: #8

"I still have a 1978 ARRL Handbook on the bookshelf, though."

I also have the 1978 book, in fact! My father went out and bought it when I expressed interest back then. He had been active in MARS in the 50's as W3RTR, but let his license slide. We had both a National and a Hallicrafters full MF-HF reciever in the house when I was a kid. And a T-50 transmitter that we wanted to get going again.

Post: #9

Hi Jeff,

There are a lot of hams on this frequency :-) Somewhere I scribbled down the ones I know of and there are at least a dozen regulars here who are hams.

I suppose we really aught to set up a 20 meter sked one of these days--that would be fun, and a challenge (especially since I don't have a 20m rig!).

About the only thing I ever programmed to do was antenna calculations. Nothing special--just keystroke saving routines. I loved building makeshift antennas with bicycle wheels and stuff.


Post: #10

The HP65 EE PAC 1 has good coverage on inductor winding and other useful topics.

I can't find a copy online - anyone else got a URL ?
If there's interest, I could scan it and make a pdf for the archive

Post: #11

I can't find a copy online - anyone else got a URL ? If there's interest, I could scan it and make a pdf for the archive

I'm pretty sure it's on the Museum CD's/DVD; I have it here and if it wasn't, I would have volunteered to scan it earlier. (I could easily be wrong, though).


--- Les


Post: #12

Hi Les.

Hey did you ever write for a '70's magazine called ETI?

Just wondered if you are THAT Les Bell..


Post: #13

Hehe. Yes, I'm *that* Les Bell. Worked for ETI in London, then edited the mag in Canada and Australia. In fact, I got my job with the magazine on the strength of an article I wrote about the '45. Well, that and my ability to eat duck a l'orange. Long story. . .


--- Les


Post: #14

I just checked, and yes - the HP-65 EE Pac 1 is on the Museum DVD/CD's. What's more, the scanned version has my name written on the inside of the front cover, so I must have scanned it. That's the trouble with being an old codger . . .


--- Les


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