Connect 9825 with HPIL Tape Drive

Post: #2

I have HP9825B with General I/O Extended I/O module, I have 82169A HP-IL/HP-IB interface and I have HP82161A HP-IL Cassette Drive with all necessary cables. Any idea how to store a program (what HPL commands to use) from the 9825 to the HPIL cassette? (The internal 9825 drive is not working properly).

Post: #3

I think you should forget it

Post: #4

There's not any easy way to do it. The 9825 doesn't know the Filbert (82161A) command set.

If the 9825 can talk to devices that use SS/80 commands, there's an outside chance that you might be able to get it to work with a 9114 disk drive. But I think the 9825 only uses the commands of the older HP disk drives (a subset of Amigo protocol, which predated the CS/80 and SS/80 protocols and is not compatible with them).

Your best bet is to get an HP-IB drive that was actually supported on the 9825.

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