The Ipaq PocketPC - the last and ultimate HP calculator ?

Post: #10

Hi all,

With the release of Emu42 for PocketPC, new perspectives open. Now, a single quality machine, my Ipaq 1940, can act simulaneously as:
- An HP41CX (thanks to the 'other site'...) with almost all possible ROMs,
- An improved HP-15C (Lygea's simlator), much faster, with much more memory and alphanumeric display of keycodes.
- An improved HP-12C (Same as above)
- An improved HP-16C (Same as above)
- An HP-42S (Emu42), with patches the most critical drawbacks of the 42S, i.e. the lack of I/O (Emu42 allows to load objects in the 41-compatible raw format), and double-stroke alpha entry (Emu42 allows the virtual keyboard of the PocketPC to be used)
- An HP-28S (Emu42), which also allows I/O and is quite adorable (a 28S which is smaller than a 15C !)
- An HP-17B/BII (Emu42)
- An HP-19BII (Emu42) - as long as somebody makes the KMLS...
- An HP-27S (Emu42)
- An HP48/49 (As soon as Emu48 is released, which should be soon)

What else to ask for ?? The HP-15C superceeeds the 25C, 29C and 34C functionnality; the 41CX superceeds the 67 and the 65 (althouth one may argue that the 3 shifts keys of the 67 with direct access to all functionnality is cool); I would say that only the 32SII is really missing here...

Let alone everything else the PocketPC can do, including managing contacts, connecting to the Web and to your email, gaming, an other emulation (Commodore 64, Atari XL, Apple 2, Spectrum).

True, the stylus is not a perfect replacement for true calculator keys, and the battery autonomy is nowhere near the one a of Voyager. But to me, the trade-offs are worth it. I got used to the stylus, I can put my Ipaq in my shirt pocket, and I don't mind charging it every two days.

The Ipaq - the last HP quality product ? :-)



Post: #11

> An HP-19BII (Emu42) - as long as somebody makes the KMLS...

The problem isn't the KML script, it's the HP19B(II) ROM image. I have a HP19BII KML script and Emu42 has a memory configuration for this type, but because I don't know an easy and workable way to get it, it will not be published yet.

> An HP48/49 (As soon as Emu48 is released, which should be soon)

I will try to publish Emu48 for Pocket PC 2002 next week together with a new version of Emu48, the base for this program.

Emu42 will be published on first, but Erik needs some time to make the page(s) for the material I send him.

> I would say that only the 32SII is really missing here...

Here we have the same problem like with the HP19BII. No ROM image!

If you find a legal way to get it, tell me. Working Emu32 and Emu32 for Pocket PC emulators are standing by (with the ability of program Load/Save). Finally you forgot the Low-End Pioneer calculators, Emu10 is also waiting for the ROM images.



Post: #12

Emu42 will be published on first, but Erik needs some time to make the page(s) for the material I send him.

The full version of Emu42 is now available for download!

Best regards,

Erik Ehrling (Sweden)

Post: #13

Hi Christoph,

Thanks a lot and congrats for the great emulator. I was proud to contribute to the campaign, and equally proud to have it on my Ipaq.

I am quite puzzled that the 19BII ROM cannot be extracted easily. I would think the procedure is similar to the one for the 28S ??

As for the 32SII, well, don't know any "legal" way to get it. HP may be tougher on this one as they produce a similar model (the 33S). Anyway, it does not seem that there is somebody to talk to in HP about that - it has become such a mess...

I forgot the low-end pioneers, but to be honest I am not very interested in them. I don't see the point of emulating a 20S/21S/22S when you have a 42S, and a 10B/10BII/14B when you have a 17BII, other than for nostalgia reasons if you own the calculator. Anyway Lygea is also making a pretty good 10B/10BII simulator. I mentionned the 32SII because the equation and fraction modes of this calc are quite unique - not available on the 42S, unfortunately...

Thanks again and cheers,


Post: #14

How about a challenge to 42S programmers.

Produce a program to rival (or better) the 32SII fractions features....

Eric Ehrling's Prime Number Factorisation for the HP-42S at

might help.

Post: #15

> I am quite puzzled that the 19BII ROM cannot be extracted easily. I would think the procedure is similar to the one for the 28S ??

No, sorry it isn't. The most important difference is that the HP28(C/S) series has the SYSEVAL command and has programming capabilities whereas the HP19BII can only save formula data.

All my fast upload programs published in are written in pure assembler. On the High-End Pioneer series they are typed in and executed over the integrated memory browser and on the HP28 they are typed in as HEX string. This HEX string is converted first into binary data and then over SYSEVAL commands into a code object which can be executed.

> I forgot the low-end pioneers, but to be honest I am not very interested in them. I don't see the point of emulating a 20S/21S/22S when you have a 42S, and a 10B/10BII/14B when you have a 17BII, other than for nostalgia reasons if you own the calculator. Anyway Lygea is also making a pretty good 10B/10BII simulator. I mentionned the 32SII because the equation and fraction modes of this calc are quite unique - not available on the 42S, unfortunately...

IMHO this point of view goes to short or is only one aspect for emulators. When I use your point of view I can say, we have the HP48 emulation and products which simulate/emulate the HP41. Or the HP48 is the successor of the HP28, for what we need an emulation of older models? In this special case Emu42 would newer exist.

I was interested into the possibilty of hardware emulation, not into one special model. I still use an emulated HP48SX running on Emu48 on my Windows desktop. And the most called emulator on my PDA is Emu32 emulating a HP32SII. From this point of view I must say the emulated calculators of Emu10, Emu28 and Emu42 are useless for me.

When you ask a mountain climber why he climbed onto a specific mountain you may get the answer: "Because it's there." And in this manner when you asked me why I emulated specially this model: "Because it's there." or more precise "I have had everthing which was necessary." :)

By this way and have fun


Post: #16

Hi Christoph,

I fully agree with you about the pleasure of developping emulators - I have been trying this a long time agon with my Amiga... :-)

I was just saying that I am more interested in the major calculators that HP did than the minor ones, which are only nice to have. Especially, if a calculator is totally superseeded by another one, I am not so interested in it. When I say "superseeded", I do -not- mean more powerful, but the fact there is absolutely nothing to be missed (except for a cheaper price) in the superseeded calculator: otherwise we could say that the HP48 is the most powerful ever done, hence we don't need anything else ! But the HP48 is bulky, and complicated to use for small programs (no numerical registers, for instance). Therefore the HP-48 does not superseed the HP-42S or the HP-15C, for instance. Not even the HP-28S, which comes in a smaller (and, to my taste, neater) package.
But the HP-15C definitely superseeds the HP-11C: same size and weight, perfect backward compatibility, but more features; similarly, the HP-28S superseeds the HP-28C, the 41CX superseeds the 41C/CV, the 17BII superseeds the 17B, the 19BII superspeeds both the 18C and 19BII etc. And, I think, the 42S superseeds the 20/21/22 and even 32 (although they may have some small features that the 42S does not have).
In that definition, the 32SII is not superseeded by the 42S, given the excellent fraction mode and the so-so equation mode (not as good as the one on 17BII/27S, though).

Nonetheless I am always interested to look at new emulators, and if you ever release Emu10, I will be still interested :)

Btw - why is it that in Emu42 the 'Class 32' statement in the KML file gives 32K RAM to the 42S, but not to the 17BII ? And why is it that the pocketpc alpha keyboard works for the 42S but not for the 17BII ?

Thanks for your hard work and cheers,


Post: #17

> Btw - why is it that in Emu42 the 'Class 32' statement in the KML file gives 32K RAM to the 42S, but not to the 17BII ?

Only the HP42S OS supports 32KB RAM. When you create an instance using the 'Class 32' statement in a HP17BII KML script the "hardware" has 32KB RAM, but the HP17BII OS only detects 8KB.

> And why is it that the pocketpc alpha keyboard works for the 42S but not for the 17BII ?

This is a bug in the 17B(II) mobile KML script (Buttons 11 - 16 aren't defined).

Replacing the button definitions

Button 01 with Button 11
Button 02 with Button 12
Button 03 with Button 13
Button 04 with Button 14
Button 05 with Button 15
Button 06 with Button 16

in the KML file will solve the problem.

I have fix this and will send the changes to Erik.



Post: #18

I fully agree with you, Vincent. My HP1930 is loaded with all the emulators you mentionned except Lygea simulators, plus the Virtual TI89 (fine skin, but quite slow) and I also included the Math Xpander

I just would like now that Eric Smith releases PocketPC versions of his Nonpareil Classic emulators...


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