To get you started:
1. Get the Plot Menu (81 MENU) [or you can type the commands], hit the ERASE command. This clears your "graphics" screen.
2. On the graphics screen, use EDIT to access your drawing tools. The Mark (*) gets a little of used to, so you may have to draw your diagram a few times before you get it right. Chapter 12 of the Manual is a good source to consult.
3. There is no "easy" way of inserting text on the graphics screen, but this program may help. First on the drawing screen, hit EDIT, then ->X,Y, then hit ON once/twice to get back to the Home Screen. Assuming you are in RPN mode, type your string and run this program:
<<1 ->GROB PICT ROT C->PX ROT GXOR PICTURE>> (I named it PText)
4. When you are finished on the graphing screen, hit PICT->. Pictures are saved the same way as programs.
Hope this helps,