15C Emulators


Does anyone know of any PC based (not pocket PC) 15C emulators?

I'm too cheap to buy a real one, but would love to have a 15C emulator if any exist.



Not sure about a 15C emulator.
But you can find some other nice voyager emulators (11C, 12C, 10C)




and the 15c emu is "coming soon (July 2004)"


These are nice, but they are only for the Mac... correct?


The 11c, only Mac but I've got windows versions of the 10c, 12c and 12cp.




I just bought HP-15C emulator for PocketPC (together with HP-16C emulator) at http://www.lygea.com

They works OK, but it is hard to say if they are emulators or simulators.


Lygea's 15C is a *simulator*, not an emulator.
There are no commercially available emulators for the 15C, afaik.

Best regards from V.


Are there some well known HP-15C bugs ?
I would like to test the quality of the simulation.




Hi, Pavel:

Pavel posted:

"Are there some well known HP-15C bugs ? I would like to test the quality of the simulation."

There are neither well known HP-15C bugs nor badly known HP-15C bugs, there simply are no bugs at all, as far as I know.

As for testing your simulator's functionality versus the physical HP-15C proper, have a look at
this past posting of mine and several answers in that thread. It will probably be exactly what you want.

Best regards from V.


Thx for the thread link.
It seems that Lyngea simulator is not bad.

BTW, you wrote "The real HP-15C does perform some Sigma-Plus and Sigma-Minus operations and related statistics with extra precision, and this can be cleverly exploited in very specific user programs, as the one featured in "Advanced Functions" to accurately solve a most difficult case of 2nd-degree equation. I don't think that such program would run in your simulator, it would be necessary to key it in and see what the output is. "

What program from "Advanced Functions" do you mean ? I will try to enter the code and test the results.


Don't have the "Advanced Functions" manual at hand to look it up, Pavel, but I remember that said program was located nearly the very end of the book, it was one of the last programs featured, if not the very last.

The section where it appears describes several types of problematic quadratic equations and discussed how to tackle them. The program using extended precision is then listed to cater for the most difficult cases.

Hope you'll find it. Anyway, Lygea's simulator has much greater precision than even the internal HP-15C's one, so this program is probably rendered irrelevant, and a normal, much shorter approach will likely produce the correct results as well.

But as a compatibility test, if might be revealing.

Best regards from V.


E- : Greek Sigma Minus
R^ : Roll Up
Rv : Roll Down
Vx, x<>y, x<=y : you know it!

Keystrokes Display
[f]CLEAR[PRGM] 000-
[f][LBL][B] 001-42,21,12
[STO][I] 002- 44 25
[Rv] 003- 33
[STO]0 004- 44 0
[STO]8 005- 44 8
[x<>y] 006- 34
[STO]1 007- 44 1
[STO]9 008- 44 9
[f][SCI]2 009-42, 8, 2
[f][LBL].8 010-42,21,.8
[f]CLEAR[E] 011- 42 32
[RCL]8 012- 45 8
[STO]7 013- 44 7
[RCL][÷][I] 014-45,10,25
[g][RND] 015- 43 34
[RCL][I] 016- 45 25
[g][E-] 017- 43 49
[RCL]9 018- 45 9
[f][x<>]7 019-42, 4, 7
[x<>y] 020- 34
[RCL]8 021- 45 8
[g][E-] 022- 43 49
[Rv] 023- 33
[g][E-] 024- 43 49
[RCL]7 025- 45 7
[g][ABS] 026- 43 16
[RCL]9 027- 45 9
[g][ABS] 028- 43 16
[g][x<=y] 029- 43 10
[GTO]B 030- 22 12
[ENTER] 031- 36
[g][R^] 032- 43 33
[STO]8 033- 44 8
[RCL]7 034- 45 7
[STO]9 035- 44 9
[g][ABS] 036- 43 16
[EEX] 037- 26
2 038- 2
0 039- 0
[×] 040- 20
[RCL]1 041- 45 1
[g][ABS] 042- 43 16
[g][x<=y] 043- 43 10
[GTO].8 044- 22 .8
[f][LBL][B] 045-42,21,12
[f][FIX]9 046-42, 7, 9
[RCL]8 047- 45 8
[g][x²] 048- 43 11
[STO]7 049- 44 7
[RCL][I] 050- 45 25
[RCL]9 051- 45 9
[g][E-] 052- 43 49
[RCL]7 053- 45 7
[g][TEST]2 054-43,30, 2
[GTO].7 055- 22 .7
[Vx] 056- 11
[f][x<>]0 057-42, 4, 0
[g][TEST]2 058-43,30, 2
[RCL][-]0 059-45,30, 0
[g][TEST]3 060-43,30, 3
[RCL][÷]0 061-45,10, 0
[f][x<>]1 062-42, 4, 1
[g][TEST]0 063-43,30, 0
[RCL][÷]1 064-45,10, 1
[RCL]1 065- 45 1
[RCL][÷][I] 066-45,10,25
[g][RTN] 067- 43 32
[f][LBL].7 068-42,21,.7 ***
[CHS] 069- 16
[Vx] 070- 11
[RCL][÷][I] 071-45,10,25
[ENTER] 072- 36
[CHS] 073- 16
[RCL]0 074- 45 0
[RCL][I] 075- 45 25
[÷] 076-
[x<>y] 077- 34
[f][I] 078- 42 25
[ENTER] 079- 36
[g][R^] 080- 43 33
[f][I] 081- 42 25
[g][RTN] 082- 43 32
PS: Any errors are due to your eyes and fingers - not mine :-)


Yes, this is a _simulator_ which just imitates the HP15C overall behavior from an upper-level viewpoint.

The math operations used may be more (or less) accurate; most assuredly they will be DIFFERENT, and reflect the behavior of an X87 FPU or C floating-point software library.

An _emulation_ will _exactly_ mimic the 15C's behavior since it is running a virtual CPU that exactly mimics the 15C's execution. A prerequisite for this is to have a ROM dump of the 15C ROM.

As I recall, forum poster Eric Smith had some success dumping Spice-series ROMs, figuring the changes to the CPU and opcodes over the Classic CPUs, and was making some headway on the other Nut-based calculators.

Given we know the Nut instruction set, we're only hobbled from true emulation by lack of a 15C ROM dump. Perhaps he needs access to some 11C/15C/16C calcs that have an external ROM separate from CPU...

Bill Wiese

San Jose

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