HP 41C - Converting From Radians to Degrees

Post: #2

I have an old 41C calculator and do not have an instruction manual. Somehow I got it to display in radians when doing trigonometry functions. Does anyone know how to change the display so that when you input a number it will read it as degrees, not radians? How do you change the display between radians,degrees, and grads?

Post: #3

Execute DEG (keystrokes: XEQ, ALPHA, D, E, G, ALPHA), then it is in degrees (0..360).

Execute RAD in a similar way, then you are in radians mode (0...2pi).

Execute GRAD, and you are in that mode.

To convert between degree and radians, use R-D (from radians to degrees) and D-R (other direction).

If you want to have one of these instructions as one keystroke only, use key assingment instruction by using ASN instead of XEQ.


Now the RAD function is placed on the ENTER key.


Post: #4

Hi, Ray;

of course you did not see this: you wrote:


Now the RAD function is placed on the ENTER key.

and the actual performed operation is assigning DEG to [ENTER^] key, right?

Another fact: Mark, you probably know about this, but keep in mind that angles (degrees) must be entered with the fraction part expressed in decimals, not in minutes-seconds. Adding to what Ray wrote, use:

[XEQ][ALPHA] HMS [ALPHA] to convert from decimals to hour (degrees). minutes seconds (no separator between minutes and seconds)

[XEQ][ALPHA] HR [ALPHA] to convert from hour(degrees]. minutes seconds to decimals

Degrees coded in minutes and seconds are only used with [HR] or with [HMS+] and [HMS-].

My 2¢.

Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 27 Apr 2004, 3:47 p.m.

Post: #5

Also, the 41Cx manual is available free online. It is at a site that is dedicated to the 41. search for "hp41" on Google and you will find it!

You can also buy a copy of lots of 41C stuff from this museum--see "museum on CD"



Post: #6

In my opinion, the museum on CD is an absolute bargain for anyone who owns more than one kind of old HP calculator (or if you ONLY have the 41 series). It has virtually every manual ever released (and that's a lot for the 41 series what with all the modules and ROMS) in .pdf format so you can print them out, put them in a 3 ring binder, and save wear and tear on your original manuals (or allow you to do without an original manual).

All the other stuff... photos, Digest and Journal articles, etc is just a bonus on top of all those manuals.

Take care.


PS - Legal disclaimer: I paid full price for my set of CDs and have not been compensated in any way for this endorrsement.

Post: #7

I second what Wayne just said.

> PS - Legal disclaimer: I paid full price for my set of
> CDs and have not been compensated in any way for this
> endorrsement.

Me (did) too. David, and the other contributors, have left the world a superb legacy.


Post: #8

Just to add that I second you both. It's far than "worth the price", if I can say so.

Luiz (Brazil)

Post: #9

I did not find HP-41CX manual using "hp41" and Google.

Could you kindly supply a direct URL or better search criteria, please?


Post: #10

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Post: #11

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Post: #12

take that URL and replace the "5" by "4". Very easy!

It would have been more polite to offer to email that URL to anyone who asked about it, rather than circumventing Dave's efforts to keep it from being posted here. This is Dave's web site, after all.

Post: #13

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Post: #14

Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh in my previous message. I understand you were just trying to be helpful. In fact, I've emailed that URL to people on several occasions when they asked about it here.

Post: #15

Or, you could just purchase the Museum CD set. Did I mention it's a bargain at twice the price?

Take care.


Post: #16

A bargain at e times the price. Mayby even pi times the price.

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