vectors multiplication

Post: #2

I have the Hp49G calculator and I have a problem:

There is no problem writing [[1,2,3][4,5,6]*[[7,8][9,10][11,12]]
and the calculator gives[[58,64][139,154]].

But if the two matrix are two vectors ((n*1) and (1*n)) the multiplication insn't possible. [ERROR: invalid dimension!!!]
(instead I should obtain a number).
How can I do for solve this operation?

Post: #3


Go to the math menu, select the vectors menu, and then select DOT. If you are in RPN mode, you will want to enter your vectors before doing this; if you are in algebraic mode, the vectors are entered after selecting DOT. If you have a manual, see page 8-5.

I hope it works for you.


Post: #4

Thank you very much Tom,

it works poperly.


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