Is it the time to buy the HP49G+ ?

Post: #2


When the HP49G+ was introduced, I almost have bought one, but too many people have said to wait, because of problems in keyboard, batteries and LCD.
I would like to know your advice about buying the recent units, or should I wait more?
One more thing: I live in Brazil, where it is almost impossible to repair such machines if they are imported and, to buy one here is very expensive.

Thank you!


Post: #3

Someone in the forum said he was given a replacement whose keyboard was just like HP-48's. However, I'm not sure whether it's the case. My HP-49G+ was manufactured in February 2004 but it still had the problem of missing keystrokes. It was sent to the local agent for inspection. I'll give an update here later.

Post: #4

My HP-49G+ was manufactured in February 2004 but it still had the problem of missing keystrokes

Mine is older, and it consistently misses keystrokes. Most times I have to check the display to make sure the calculator has what I typed.

And sometimes I wish I hadn't bought the thing.


Post: #5

Why don't you call hp and get a replacement? I have gotten _several_. While they haven't been thrilled to keep sending me new ones, they have never argued. I don’t think they are questioning that the early units (CN333, 334, etc.) have bad keyboards. The latest ones do seem to be much better, although perhaps not perfect. Due to the number of returns being requested, they seem to have recently imposed a policy requiring a credit card number if you want them to send your new one immediately. Or you can send the old one in first and they'll send a new one when they receive it.

By the way, to get through their automated call director system when you call 1-800-HPINVEN, first say “something else”, then say “other”. (Don’t say the product name.) That should connect you to a live person, whom you then ask to connect you to calculator support.

Post: #6

Thanks for the information, Jeff.

Post: #7

I have what must be an "early" unit, CN333-vintage, and the keyboard has not given me a problem. The keys have a nice feel and they seem reliable. I also never experienced display flicker or battery drain, but the thing did, apparently, auto-turn ON and lock up once. I had ROM version 1.20. (Interestingly, version 1.22 seems to have had problems with display flicker, as I gather from following the postings). I've since updated the ROM to 1.23.

Post: #8

I just acquired one from Eric Rechlin at

The unit works very well. I would say the key action and feel is equivalent or superior to the 48 / pioneer series.

Eric assures the units will be later production units without the initial set of issues.

Myself, I am glad HP has laid a foundation I think they can build on for the future. They may not be perfect or all what people want, but the 33S and 49G are the first time in a long time that any improvements have come to calculator design.

Post: #9

I also just received a new HP49G+, purchased from Eric Rechlin, and it's keyboard is a vast improvement over the earlier models. However, I don't think it's as good as the HP48 since I still have to be careful about keys not registering correctly. My conclusion: the newer models are definitely better than the earlier ones but, unfortunately, there is still room for improvement.

Tom Scott

Post: #10

If you still want to make sure that each keystroke registers, activate "key click" from "Mode". I found that the keyboard responded much better and there were fewer cases of missing keystrokes. However, your calculator would be a bit noisy!

Post: #11

Yes, I've tried that for awhile but I just don't like the sound of the artificial click.

Tom Scott

Post: #12

With the messages from Dave and Tom Scott, I was more confident in buying one from HPCALC.ORG!
So, I think I'm going to sell my HP42S ... what do you think about. This machine is become very rare to find selling in Brazil, nowadays ...

Post: #13

...unless, of course, you really need the money for that coveted 49G+.

You will find that doing simple tasks and programming will tend to be much more complicated on the 49G+ than on the 42S.

The 42S and 15C are, by consensus, the best pure calculators ever made by HP (barring the 41CX, which is expandable).

Post: #14

Post: #15

It's because I have one HP48GX (borrowed(?) to a relative) and I like its way to program, the easy Matrix manipulatin, time functions, lists (I love them) and the big display (it has two cards of 128Kb and 1Mb inserted in it). So, the 49G+ would be ideal, don't you think?
The HP42S was a fight to find it ( more yet so new as mine). I've even bought the IC to increase the memory to 32Kb, but I had no courage to open it. If using the 42S, I would have to go back to GOTOs, LBLs, etc ... and I'm a bit old for this...
If interested, let me know. I'll think about and maybe tomorrow I give the answer.
Thank you!

Post: #16

Artur --

I already have two 42S -- a 1989 model, and a newer-design 1990 model. (Neither is for sale.)

"R Lion" may actually be interested, and I'm certain that many others would be, too. You could offer it for sale on the classified advertisement section of this website, or eBay.

The 48GX is certainly more capable than the 42S, but if you actually prefer the paradigm of the former over the latter, you're probably in the minority of HP calc users.

-- Karl

Post: #17

"The 48GX is certainly more capable than the 42S, but if you actually prefer the paradigm of the former over the latter, you're probably in the minority of HP calc users."

Minority of visitors to the *museum* of HP calculators is more like it. I personally find the 4 layer stack way too small.

Post: #18

If you sell your 42S for what you paid for it new. I guess from $80 to $120. I think you will have many people interested in. Of course the 42ses have been sold for more.

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