I can contribute scannind the manuals I have:
45419-90001 Series 100/Users Guide
45419-90003 HP110/System Programmer's Guide Reference Manual
45419-90002 Series 100/Macro Assembler
45559-90006 Technical Reference Manual - Portable Plus
45504-90004 Setting your free with Memomaker.
-90003 Quick Ref.
-90008 Using Memomaker
45711-90015 Portable Plus Benutzerhandbuch (german)
45711-90025 Portable Plus Service Manual (including
versions A,B,C,D,E, and F)
3-1/2 diskettes:
Programmers Toolkit
Portable Pascal Programs
HP150 Turbo Pascal (3 disks)
The Portable Paper subscribers disks 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
I have in this moment available the "Portable Plus Technical Reference Manual" (550 pages) I scanned for Emmanuel. If you like it I can send you GIF images of each page.
Greetings from Málaga. Spain