HP110 Portable and Portable Plus Software

Post: #10

I was wondering if there was a collection of software or shareware somewhere for these units? I would be willing to manage a website with this software on it if anyone has info/programs/software to contribute.
Please let me know.
Remove the $$$ to reply.

Post: #11

I am an HP 110+ / 150 power user.

John Kercheval

Post: #12

John and Jeff; If you ever need to justify why you still use the 110 you could quote the last line in this web page which is about the hp series 100- http://www.blinkenlights.com/classiccmp/hp150faq.txt

"E2) Why should I stick with such old computers? They are inexpensive. They are reliable. They are environmentally friendly. They are cute. They do the job."

You don't need to justify anything to me, especially if you use it to run a 41 emulator. That just makes sense.

Post: #13


Ever hear of a very rare 110+ called the "Glow Worm."? It was the 110+ with a backlit display.

John Kercheval

Post: #14

I have heard of this unit but never seen one. I really need to find a set of manuals for the Portable plus as I have none. My HP110+ I guess is differnet than most. It utilizes a 6 volt lead acid battery the same as the HP9114 disc drive. Also, there is a strange connector on the back of the battery lid. Please let me know if you would like to see pictures as they are available.
You know, there is always an excitment in reviving an old calculator or computer. Learning how that item is programmed and finally using for everyday use, because I can! Thats what makes this a hobby.

Post: #15

I can contribute scannind the manuals I have:

45419-90001 Series 100/Users Guide

45419-90003 HP110/System Programmer's Guide Reference Manual

45419-90002 Series 100/Macro Assembler

45559-90006 Technical Reference Manual - Portable Plus

45504-90004 Setting your free with Memomaker.

-90003 Quick Ref.

-90008 Using Memomaker

45711-90015 Portable Plus Benutzerhandbuch (german)

45711-90025 Portable Plus Service Manual (including
versions A,B,C,D,E, and F)

3-1/2 diskettes:

Programmers Toolkit

Portable Pascal Programs

HP150 Turbo Pascal (3 disks)

The Portable Paper subscribers disks 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990

I have in this moment available the "Portable Plus Technical Reference Manual" (550 pages) I scanned for Emmanuel. If you like it I can send you GIF images of each page.

Greetings from Málaga. Spain

Post: #16

Whenever the dust settles and someone has these scans ready to send through email; i would like to get a copy of the 100 series users guide and QRG if thats ok. Who should i give my email address to? BTW: my toy is a regular 110. It's real cool but i just bash at it because i don't have the manual and am dos-challenged.

Post: #17

I have already begun the web page. I hope to at least have the site up and running this weekend with some photos of battery changing. Any additional pictures or scans would be appreciated. I will post the URL when it is up.

Post: #18

I have the Web site up and running, nothing fancy, but please send any contributions and I will add them. As soon as I receive approval from HP, there will be the entire HP110 Reference Manual available.
Please let me know your thoughts.

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