
Hi my 49G+ i tourned off permanently and I open and de g+ have a same condensator of de 49g and all components suckS
the software is ok but de hardware sucks is a same CASIO qualty, the HP makes calculators in CHINA an fuck every body de HP calculators dont have future if dont change the mades of your products ¡What happend whit Indonesia? in indonesia the calculators go right


Dear Angry HP Consumer,

You are the consumer and you are KING. You don't like the new HP calculators, just don't buy them! It's that simple. No need to get huffy and pufyy and get bent out of shape.

If you don't like HP products you can buy TI graphics calculator. The TI-92 PLUS or the TI-200 are very good graphics calculators. The TI-200, for example, can solve multiple non-linear functions at the command prompt level!! Not sure the HP calculators can do that! You can also try the new Casio ClassPad 300. It is very good. Casio makes good calculator as does Sharp and TI.



Very well said Namir. I didnt see this posting when I was looking through it. And YES, if HPfucked doesnt like HP at the moment, there are alternatives for him/her, what ever it was that wrote these terrible words.

PS yes, the foul language is a bit much, I could say the same , even better and in 2 languages



Thanks Paul for you compliment.

The recall of the HP48GII and the HP39G+ signals serious flaws with qaulity control people who did not catch the battery drain problem. This is going to cost HP and someone intenally will pay!!!

Maybe ... just maybe .... HP is reading this forum!!


You need to work on your spelling, punctuation, and organization -- it takes several reads to understand what your post means. By then it's all too clear we're dealing with an uneducated troll.

There's no need for profanity. The fact that you've employed it only proves the kind of person you are.



I was just about to order one HP49G+ and when I saw this posting I'm starting to have a second thought.

Perhaps Namir Shammas is rightly pointing out that maybe I should buy a Texas Instrument instead.

Is HP49G+ really made by cheap labours with cheap parts as indicated by HP fucked ?

I hope to hear another comment.



Hi Jawdim,
I have bought an hp49g+ within the last week. It is a really nice machine. My only criticism is that the keys are still a little stiff and clonky. But the screen and the speed are beautiful. None of those frustrating pauses that the old 48s and 49G would have during data iput or programming.
After buying my calc I immediately upgraded to the new Version 1.22 ROM.
Initially had some probs connecting to PC because I wasn't pushing correct button combo. Old 48/49 programs from PC would appear as strings but can be converted back to programs fairly easily on calculator. (see google groups for advice)
Otherwise all is sweet. I like it ALOT more than my 49G.
Good luck.

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