Ok, I just got my new HP41CX to work today (look down a couple of threads). I was using a power supply at my university's radio club shack to test it. Right after I got the battery pack to work, a friend of mine walked in and I showed it to him. He looked at the modules, and before I could stop him he said "Wow, look at these!" and pulled one out while the calculator was turned on. According to the manuals, this is a Big Fat No-No.
The calculator seemed to work immediately afterward; I tried some basic math like 3+3 and it gave the right answers. I put it away, and now when I try to turn it on, nothing happens. I know it isn't the battery because I have tried it with the power supply as well.
So, either the calculator died from having the module removed while it was on or it died from me playing with batteries and whatnot. I was very careful with the batteries to never reverse the polarity or give it too much voltage but it's still a possibility. What's the prognosis?
Again, many thanks.
-Ben Moss