Memory cards for 48 series

Post: #3

Does any one know if the 85700A (28KB) or 85792A (128KB) cards, intended for the 8590 series spectrum analyzers will work in the 48SX or 48GX calculators?

They lack the sliding pin cover.

I need a fast answer.

Post: #4

I can't answer your question, but here you have RAM cards without cover. And they are good and cheap (IMHO)
RAM cards from Klotz


Post: #5

WOW! These are really inexepensive! Are tehy still making tehm, then? How come so much more hp 48 activity seems to come out of germany?


Post: #6

I'm looking to get a RAM card or two for my 48GX. Used HP (or "HP Approved") cards are very expensive, but I did notice a number of German aftermarket vendors listed on Nice to hear that there's a satisfied customer of at least one brand!

Post: #7

I'm also a satisfied customer. I have a Klotz 2mb card, and I'm planning to order another one plus a couple of 128k cards in the near future.

Post: #8

I'm a little confused about something. The website shows the products priced in Euros but the information about how to pay says the credit card will be charged in DM. Is that old info or do the old currencies still exist "under the surface"?

Post: #9

All the currecies pre-euro have died. It's only old info in the web (actually I wrote him about it more than a year ago...)


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