PPC Rom Manual Addendum

Post: #7

I have just started working my way through the PPC ROM Manual on the CDs. In the forward it is mentioned that it was planned to produce an addendum to the manual. Was this ever produced? My apologies if it is on the Cd - I majored in missing the obvious!

Post: #8

I have a skinny (90 pages) PPC book published in 1983 called "HP41 HPIL System Dictionary". I got it from EduCalc years ago. It has a graphical chart of synthetic tones that says it corrects some timings in the synthetic tone table in the PPC ROM manual. Other than that, I don't think it is the addendum that was mentioned. It is an alphabetical list, with brief descriptions, of the most common HP41 terms and functions in the mainframe and some ROMs, plus some additional info like the synthetic tone chart and some PPC Journal reprints. It has more information about synthetic programming than HPIL, IMHO. Both were new at the time.

Post: #9

Ellis, Thanks for the info - I agree it doesn't sound like the addendum - to quote from the forward to the manual

A proportion fo the ROM fund is being held in reserve for a follow-up addendum that will include:

Corrections for the errors found

Description of any BUGs that may be found

Additional examples

Additional Applications Programs

Suggestions for ROM or Manual improvement

Review of project

Conclusions and recommendations for future "user community" software development projects

Post: #10

No PPC ROM manual addendum was ever produced. It might have,
had the PPC club not self destructed in the 1983 timeframe due to the board basically ousting Richard Nelson from the club. Nobody I know ever found out what happened to the quarter of a million dollars in the club kitty when Richard left.

Post: #11

Thanks Jake - I had a feeling that that was the case.

Post: #12

It might have, had the PPC club not self destructed in the 1983 timeframe due to the board basically ousting Richard Nelson from the club.

It didn't self destruct, it was plainly, simply, killed, assasinated, murdered, butchered by a bunch of s**s, for lack of a more graphic name.

Nobody I know ever found out what happened to the quarter of a million dollars in the club kitty when Richard left.

Go ask Emmett Ingram or Mr. Kennedy, that may shed some light. Emmett always insisted that PPC should be run as a business. It certainly was. At least for him and the rest of the gang. Does the title of a certain Woody Allen movie ring a bell ? The one with the soap gun.

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